Get to know magical Thailand

Thai food is famous worldwide. Whether it is chili-hot or relatively mild, each individual dish is characterized by harmony. Instead of serving one and one dish
in a specific order, all the dishes are served at the same time in Thailand.

A proper Thai meal should consist of a soup, a curry with spices and a dip with vegetables. There must be harmony in taste and consistency both in each individual dish and in the meal as a whole. The ideal Thai meal is a harmonious blend of sharp and delicate, sweet and sour, and is meant to be equally satisfying to the eye, nose and palate.

Thai food is eaten with a spoon and fork. The vegetables are cut into suitable mouthfuls, and the meat is shredded. The knife is therefore redundant as an eating utensil.

Thailand has borrowed a bit from many of the neighboring countries and has become an exciting cuisine. Most dishes consist of vegetables, chicken, fish, shellfish, fruit, rice and many herbs. Then seasoned with chilli, lime, lemongrass, ginger, lime leaves, coriander, sweet basil and bamboo shoots that grow in the country. You're welcome, or "ar-roy", as they say in Thailand.


Thai food consists of many different dishes from the various regions, and there are regional differences in both taste and ingredients: Central Thailand:
The food is rich in flavor and one of the main ingredients is coconut milk.

Northern Thailand:
Mainly local ingredients and herbs are used, which can be difficult to find in the other regions. The food is tasty and spicy.

Southern Thailand:
Here, more spices and chilli are used, and ingredients from the sea. The food here is quite different from the other regions, it tasts magical.

Northeast Thailand:
This is my home region. Here the taste is very special. The dishes contain more vegetables, less meat and lots of herbs. The taste can be anything from mild to burning spicy. The food from Northeast Thailand is known throughout Thailand and the rest of the world.